Convivial Cocktails at CUESA Recap
Laiko and I were delighted to meet a bevy of cocktail loving, food event craving CUESA supporters who trudged through the raging snow storm to brave…oh wait no it was a beautiful warm fall night. So anyway, they braved getting to the Ferry Building and were not disappointed. Two long rows of interesting craft cocktails and appetizers delighted a couple hundred people. At only $35, be sure to come to the next one! Here’s who was there.
It was fun to learn the Hotsy Totsy–which was a long-time fave dive bar–is now serving up craft cocktails. At this event they made a ginger apple concoction topped with a candied California-grown Chinese dates (jujube) on the side. Lance Winters from Hangar One / St. George Spirits stopped by for a nice surprise visit and chat.
We’re looking forward to The New Easy opening on Lakeshore in Oakland, where they’ll be serving up Saturday afternoon “farmer’s market cocktails” made with produce from down the street. Cute idea for “drinking locally.”
But most of all, we loved meeting so many new folks who live to eat and love to learn! We hope to build a community of Epicurators together with likeminded food folk. Until next time…bon epicuring!